Our Church Leaders

Rise Church is blessed to have an amazing team with an amazing mission. Our goal as leaders is to: Help you grow your relationship with Jesus, find and discover purpose, operate in your gifts and empower others to do the same. 

Aaron Hicks

Founder & Pastor / Planter
Aaron, (lovingly referred to as Pastor A), has a desire to see as many people deepen their relationship with Jesus as possible.
Ministry Experience: 18 years
Education: M.A in Ministry Leadership

Sheena Hicks 

Planter / Administrator
Sheena is an amazing strategist, home schooling mom,  who loves God and has a desire to operate with a spirit of excellence behind the scenes. 

Meet Our Team

David D.

Rise Worship

Gabrielle B.

Rise Media & Production

Melvin R.

Renewed Generation

Michelle M.

Community Connections

John M.

Safety Crew Coordinator

Stephanie M.

Experience Ambassadors

Our Culture  |  Our Code  |  Our Values

We exist to RISE
R - Reach people far from God by:   I - Introducing them to a new life in Jesus   S - Serving our community and  E - Equipping people to do the same

Jesus is the focal point

Jesus is the central focus of our worship and our lives. He is magnified in our church experience and seen in the way we interact with others. 

The Authority of the Bible

The Bible provides us with understanding more of who God is, how He instructs us to live and interact with humanity. We believe that the Bible is the final authority for Christians / Believers

Gifts Discovery

You have a gift and we want you to use it!  It is our mission to help you get plugged in and using your gift. When we all operate in our gifts, the church makes community and global impact. 

Make Disciples

We live to make disciples. Jesus wants us to be discipled and make disciples. We want to help you take your walk with Jesus further. 

Encouraging and Positive

We are upbeat and positive.  When you come to Rise, you will experience a lively, and positive church atmosphere. We dare to believe big! 

Live Generously

Generosity is a privilege. We believe in giving God the first and best of our time, talents and our finances. We as a church also believe in giving as a church to lead in community and kingdom impact.

Multiply God's Kingdom

We want to see heaven full! This means that we are not just focused on the growth of Rise Church but the expansion of God Kingdom! 

For more information on Rise Church, click below